Online ArrangementsLet’s make ours unique to us. Name * First Name Last Name Age * Location (city & state) * Plus country, if not USA Relationship Status * Single GF/Married (closed) GF/Married (open) Divorced Email * LoyalFans username * If you don't have one, make one & follow Me (@yesmistressrose). This is where we'll communicate. I'm also on OnlyFans. If either aren't possible for you, write "other" and we'll discuss other options. Where did you find Me? * What are you interested in with an online arrangement together? * Have you done an online arrangement or served a Domina online before? * Yes, online arrangement Yes, online Domina I've done both Neither Why did you stop? Let's get vulnerable. What are your kinks/interests? * No shame. Give Me all your weird. Things you have tried, still want to try, are curious about, etc. What are your boundaries/limits? * Keep in mind this would be an online thing, so keep them with respect to that. What is your IQ, if known? Thank you for inquiring.I will be in touch within 5 business days to move forward if your request is accepted.Don't forget to check your spam.